Geographic distribution of Programme Services
Click on the region of interest to see the list of services provided in that region The map provides geographic location on the services provided by the partners in the framework of ‘Transforming National Response to Human Trafficking in and from Albania’ Programme.
List of services provided
Identification of potential victims/ victims of trafficking
The first-time Identification and referral of a potential victim or victim of trafficking is made by the Mobile Units, and/or implementing partners as per the Standard Operating Procedures protocol.
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Assistance/support/reintegration to potential victims and victims of trafficking.
Provision of tailor-made support to potential victim or victim of trafficking for their successful rehabilitation and reintegration.
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Individuals (children and adults) are provided with empowerment/community/education services to reduce vulnerability to human trafficking.
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Judiciary and Law Enforcement
Provision of multi-stakeholder approach in building institutional capacities of the law enforcement, judiciary and social welfare sectors in combating human trafficking.
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Partners providing services